view tour
In the third week of June the west of Schouwen traditionally hosts the Kunstschouw whilst proudly displaying its contemporary art, culture and landscape.
Here you can find long sandy beaches where seagulls cry in the salty air. Behind the first row of sand dunes lies Zeeland’s largest wood, Boswachterij Westerschouwen .To the east extensive polders take over, bisected by dikes and dotted with beautiful villages. Every year about 175 artists, from home and abroad, swoop down on this va ried landscape, followed on foot by thousands of art lovers.
The Kunstschouw combines the modern art of about 175 varying artists from home and a 13 to 27 Junebroad with characteristic Zeeuws locations. Art from all over the Netherland , Belgium, Germany and overseas takes on a whole other dimension when set against a background of sand dunes, or set in authentic circular villages, the Zeeuws countryside or in a farmer’s barn. The entrance is free! Private gardens and old silent village churches also open their doors to modern art. Every year the Kunstschouw attracts thousands of interested visitors .Artists can meet each other at the official opening,during an informal artists’ getting to know each other get together, at the open evenings and after the closing celebratory mea1.
lnterested? See participating and conditions for entry:
Artists interested in participating in the Kunstschouw can inscribe before the 1stof December in the year before the Kunstschouw concerned. A wide range of disciplines are welcome. Quality and originality are considered important criteria. During January you will receive a message as regards your selection and placement.
The application form for participating at “free” locations can be found at the bottom of this page and on the page Conditions (voorwaarden) in the menu . Please send in filled in form, with relevant photos, by post, to the address mentioned on the form. You can download the form only after having read the conditions of entry.
lt is very important to read the conditions carefully. Here you will find information about your rights, responsibilities and liabilities.
If you agree to the conditions you can download the registration form for here
an impression of Kunstschouw
For participation at the free locations at the Kunstschouw.
- Costs
The cost of participation is 75 euros. This gives you a right to a mention in the full colour magazine, (print run approx 6000). Depending on the location there is sometimes a small charge, for example, for coffee. - Charge for large scale works
For large scale works, on request, transport costs can to an extent be compensated, as far as the budget allows, in which case subscription money will be largely compensated. - Charges for young artists
The kunstschouw likes to encourage young artists to produce current work. As far as it is financially possible young artists, (under 40 years old and working not longer than five years as an artist), are exonerated from the subscription fee and also the cost of the closing mea1, (point 15). Furthermore, if the budget allows, they will receive 15 euros per night for accommodation. To apply fill in the application form where appropriate. - Percentage of sales
For every sale the host of the location receives 10 percent. Galleries, ateliers and guest curators negotiate their own percentage with the artist. - Frequency of participation
You may only participate once every three years, and then only with newwork. - Participation may only occur in disciplines determined by the selection committee and not with additional items.Prices must be appropriate to the scale of the work and must bear a relation to its discipline, style and quality. For example you may not sell jewelry if you were not selected therefore.
- Works that have been displayed on Schouwen-Duivelandin the year leading up to the Kunstschouw may not be exhibited at the Kunstschouw.
- Location
A location will be assigned to you. You may not exhibit at more than one location. - Setting up the exhibitsalways occurs in consultation with the location host, and the contact person of the art committee. The art committee can give advice, and where in doubt, has the last word. Normally, depending on format and space available, six works can be set/hung up on the Thursday and Friday before the start of the Kunstschouw, or earlier, in consultation with the location host. The aim is, in cooperation with the other exhibitors, and with respect tor their work, to create an attractive and balanced exhibition. In this respect, the motto “Less is more” is the key to success! Artists are responsible for their own means to hang up and display their works, (tor plinths etc.). The organization can, to a limited extent, and where possible, be of some assistance in this regard. lt is advisable to make an appointment in good time with your fellow exhibitors to scope out your location and to enquire into what is possible there. Experience teaches that for most problems there is a solution.
- Presence of the artist
A minimum of three artists are invited per location. To guarantee success, the presence of the artist or a representative thereof is so far as possible required. lt is possible to make a roster with your fellow exhibitors whose contact details will be made available to you in your selection letter. - Cooperation in exhibiting
An event such as the Kunstschouw requires of its participants a spirit of cooperation such that one artist can represent the work of another when required, tor example in the case of the unavoidable absence of a particular exhibitor. To make arrangements, in this regard, in advance, is essential. - Self-promotion materials
These are allowed in the form of, for example, brochures on a table, but large banners or posters are not permitted. - Participation in the Kunstschouwis entirely at your own risk for which you must take full responsibility.
- Liability and lnsurance: The foundation Kunstschouw Westerschouwen can in no way be held responsible for the damage or theft of exhibited works. The artist may take out their own insurance. Against calamity, you can insure your work through the organization before the start of the Kunstschouw. You will receive information about the relevant conditions for this after you have been selected.
- Closing meal
This takes place on the last Saturday evening of the Kunstschouw. Participation is voluntary . The aim is to provide a pleasant and social end to the event. Information will be made available in time. - Publicity and media
The Kunstschouw pays for an extensive advertising and media campaign, including adverts in well-known daily and monthly publications. No such materials of the Kunstschouw may be used, copied, distributed or publicized without previous written permission of the Kunstschouw. The participation artist hereby gives the foundation Kunstschouw Westerschouwen permission to use photos and other representations of their work, for free, for advertising ends.
For the church locations, which are attractive and frequently visited, extra conditions apply.The reformed church of Burgh, Renessse and Noordwelle has made certain conditions to the foundation Kunstschouw Westerschouwen, stated below, which must be fulfilled by the exhibitors.
Should the church be needed during the Kunstschouw, for, for example, a wedding or a funeral,then it should be made available for this purpose, for a short time and in consultation with the exhibitors.
- The reformed church of Burgh-Haamstede, Renesse and Nordwelle accepts no responsibility for the property of the exhibitors in their churches.
- The church takes ten percent of the price of any sales.
- The setting or hanging up of any works may only be done with materials available in the churches. Any damage to the churches by the artists will be paid for by the artists.
- Opening times. On Sundays opening times are later, between 13.00 and 17.00. For evening opening times consult the website of the Kunstschouw magazine. During opening hours the exhibitors must always be present.
- The church warden opens and doses the building. In consultation other arrangements may be made.
- Take into account the sanctity of the location: so nothing shocking!
- If necessary these conditions may be changed.
I agree with the conditions.
For further questions
Secretariat Kunstschouw:
Postbus 115
4328 ZJ Burgh-Haamstede
IBAN: NL02INGB066.57.70.251
KvK: 5115282